Cyjax White Paper – Strategic Intelligence Report on Latin America and the Caribbean: Synopsis

Cyjax has published a new White Paper which assesses cybersecurity practices in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the prospects for supply chain diversification to the region.

Latin America and the Caribbean together encompass a vast range of territories in Central and South America. The region has historically been marked by economic and political instability, with corruption, military dictatorships and high levels of poverty in many of the countries. However, in more recent years, there have been moves towards democratisation, and interest in what the region has to offer has been increasing throughout the world. In particular, there appears to be a distancing of traditional relationships with the United States and a slant towards China, which has been investing heavily in a range of sectors.

The first part of this paper focuses on the readiness of the region to respond to the increasing number of threats posed by cybercriminals, and on the policies and initiatives which governments are currently implementing. Details of events in a range of countries are also included.

The next section provides a brief overview of cryptocurrency developments and money-laundering concerns.

Finally, there is an assessment of the possibilities for supply chain diversification to Latin America and the Caribbean, particularly in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and China’s global ambitions.

The White Paper can be accessed here.

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