Track and Discover Cyber Threats

Cymon®, our unique threat intelligence platform, works continuously to discover and track known and unknown cyber threats targeting your industry. It automatically assesses what it finds and delivers tailored actionable intelligence to the relevant parts of your business.

Leading Global Brands choose the Cymon® platform to protect their organisations from cyber threats

Real-Time Insights

Cymon® quantifies your cyber risk and monitors the effectiveness of your existing cyber security solutions in real-time, so that you can build an assured cyber security strategy and an investment plan tailored to your business needs.

Awards and Certifications

CYJAX added depth to the broad coverage we already have. We are now able to take quicker and more informed actions as CYJAX is typically 12-36 hours ahead on reportings and key findings.

CISO | Global Pharmaceutical company

CYJAX enabled us to identify which threats were most relevant, helping our team prioritise threats and increasing the efficiency of our security spending.

Head of Threat Intelligence | Financial Service Provider

CYJAX provided the additional context and filtering we needed to rapidly triage and qualify which alerts need actioning. This freed our team up to make adjustments to our security controls, vastly reducing the number of alerts coming in.

CTO | British Energy Provider


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