Monitoring the Shadows: CYJAX’s Active Surveillance of Hidden Services

Unveiling the Hidden: CYJAX’s Dark Web Threat Intelligence Services

In CYJAX’s threat intelligence services, hidden services (darknet/deep web) are a key focus. We actively monitor and investigate the dark web to uncover potential threats and illicit activities. We gather valuable intelligence on emerging cyber threats and provide actionable information to our clients. By using our expertise to stay informed about activities on the darknet, CYJAX helps organisations detect risks, strengthen defences, and protect their digital assets. We also support law enforcement in combating cybercrime.

Actionable Insights: Strengthening Defenses with CYJAX’s Dark Web Intelligence

Valuable Intelligence

CYJAX’s expertise in dark web monitoring allows us to identify and analyse malicious actors, criminal marketplaces, and cybercriminal activities. By closely monitoring the hidden services, we gather valuable intelligence on emerging cyber threats, such as the sale of stolen data, exploit kits, hacking tools, and other illegal activities.

Detection and Response

The information collected from the dark web monitoring enables CYJAX to provide our clients with timely and actionable intelligence, helping organisations proactively detect and respond to potential risks. It assists in identifying vulnerabilities, strengthening defences, and mitigating the impact of cybercriminal activities conducted through hidden services.

Evolving Threat Landscape

By staying abreast of the activities on the dark web, CYJAX assists organisations in understanding the evolving threat landscape and adapting their cybersecurity strategies accordingly. Our goal is to enable organisations to protect their sensitive data, identify potential threats, and take proactive measures to safeguard their digital assets.

Law Enforcement Support

CYJAX’s dark web intelligence services not only aid in threat detection but also support law enforcement agencies in their efforts to combat cybercrime. By sharing relevant information and collaborating with authorities, CYJAX contributes to the disruption of criminal networks and the prosecution of cybercriminals operating on hidden services.

CYJAX added depth to the broad coverage we already have. We are now able to take quicker and more informed actions as CYJAX is typically 12-36 hours ahead on reportings and key findings.

CISO | Global Pharmaceutical company

CYJAX enabled us to identify which threats were most relevant, helping our team prioritise threats and increasing the efficiency of our security spending.

Head of Threat Intelligence | Financial Service Provider

CYJAX provided the additional context and filtering we needed to rapidly triage and qualify which alerts need actioning. This freed our team up to make adjustments to our security controls, vastly reducing the number of alerts coming in.

CTO | British Energy Provider

Awards and Certifications


Uncover the hidden threats lurking in the dark web

Partner with CYJAX and gain access to their cutting-edge dark web threat intelligence services. Stay one step ahead of cybercriminal activities by leveraging CYJAX’s active surveillance and deep understanding of the hidden services landscape. With actionable insights and expert guidance, CYJAX empowers your organisation to strengthen its defences and protect against emerging threats from the dark web. Do not let the shadows compromise your security. Contact CYJAX today to fortify your cybersecurity strategy and safeguard your digital assets.

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