Identity Intelligence: CYJAX’s Comprehensive Approach to Enhanced Security

CYJAX’s Advanced Threat Intelligence Solution

CYJAX leverages identity intelligence to provide organisations with a deeper understanding of individuals or entities relevant to their security. Our services include identity verification, profiling, relationship mapping, behaviour analysis, and risk assessment. By integrating identity intelligence into our threat intelligence services, CYJAX helps organisations make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and protect against identity-related threats.

Empowering Organisations through Comprehensive Identity Intelligence Solutions

Comprehensive Profiles

CYJAX utilises identity intelligence to provide organisations with a deeper understanding of individuals or entities relevant to their security and risk management.

CYJAX’s identity intelligence services encompass various aspects. We leverage advanced techniques to verify and validate the identities of individuals, ensuring accuracy and reliability of information, and creating comprehensive and detailed profiles that include relevant attributes, affiliations and potential risks.

Relationship Mapping

Relationship mapping is a key component of CYJAX’s identity intelligence. By analysing social connections, professional relationships, and other interactions, we enable organisations to uncover networks, associations or potential vulnerabilities. This allows them to identify potential insider threats, supply chain risks or other security concerns.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment based on identity intelligence is a critical step in CYJAX’s services. By evaluating factors such as criminal records, reputation, financial stability, and compliance with regulations, we help organisations assess the level of risk associated with individuals or entities. This empowers them to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively to mitigate potential risks.

Enhance Security Measures

Through our identity intelligence capabilities, CYJAX enables organisations to enhance their security measures, strengthen their risk management strategies, and protect against identity-related threats. By leveraging our expertise in identity intelligence, organisations can gain valuable insights, enabling them to make proactive and well-informed decisions that ensure the security and resilience of their operations.

CYJAX added depth to the broad coverage we already have. We are now able to take quicker and more informed actions as CYJAX is typically 12-36 hours ahead on reportings and key findings.

CISO | Global Pharmaceutical company

CYJAX enabled us to identify which threats were most relevant, helping our team prioritise threats and increasing the efficiency of our security spending.

Head of Threat Intelligence | Financial Service Provider

CYJAX provided the additional context and filtering we needed to rapidly triage and qualify which alerts need actioning. This freed our team up to make adjustments to our security controls, vastly reducing the number of alerts coming in.

CTO | British Energy Provider

Awards and Certifications


Harness the power of identity intelligence to bolster your security strategy

Partner with CYJAX today and gain access to their advanced threat intelligence services. By leveraging their expertise in identity verification, profiling, relationship mapping, behaviour analysis, and risk assessment, you can make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and protect against identity-related threats. Take control of your security posture and safeguard your organisation’s assets. Contact CYJAX now to unlock the potential of identity intelligence and stay one step ahead of evolving threats.

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