
Processor vulnerabilities raise the Spectre of global Meltdown

2018 started with a bang when, on 3 January, Google Project Zero dropped a bomb in the shape of two papers detailing three vulnerabilities which affected “every Intel processor which implements out-of-order execution…which is effectively every processor since 1995”. The vulnerabilities were dubbed Meltdown and Spectre, and such was their importance that mainstream news outlets

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Hiding in Plain Sight – Child Abusers on the Darknet

The growing popularity of Tor and other anonymising tools has provided unprecedented opportunities for paedophiles to view and share child pornography online. Before Darknet access became widespread, offenders were forced to purchase obscene materials in high-risk transactions which could expose their real-world identities. These days however, it is a very different story. Explicit images of

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Vulnerability situational awareness

Vulnerabilities are ubiquitous across nearly everyone’s network infrastructure, and managing them is a monumental task. Staying on top of these flaws is extremely important as they present a viable infection vector for threat actors. Although it is not always an option to patch certain vulnerabilities without a negative knock-on effect to other software, it is

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